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Student Vehicle Hit and Run at Vanguard University

Taylor Jewett

Updated: Oct 7, 2019

A vehicle hit and run took place at Vanguard University on September 5th, 2019. Kinzie McBride, Junior, walked out to a long scratch and deep dent on the drivers side of her car after a long day of classes.

"I was very upset when I walked up to my car and saw that it was scratched," McBride said.

After examining her car, she called Vanguard's Campus Safety. Campus Safety proceeded to tell her there was nothing they could because there were no cameras in the parking lots.

"Campus Safety was completely unhelpful and should put cameras in the parking lot to avoid upsetting and expensive situations like this," McBride said.

McBride had to file a report with Campus Safety and the Costa Mesa Police Dept. and file a claim with insurance. The entire drivers side was scratched and dented with black and dark grey paint. This led to an overall cost of $2,150 and McBride had to pay a deductible of $500 out of pocket. McBride then had to get a rental car.

"This could have been completely avoided if someone knew how to park their car," McBride said.

McBride refuses to park in the smaller spots by Newport Mesa Church and Heath Academic Center.

"I keep thinking my car is going to get hit again so I have to take more time to drive to the back of the parking lot to find a bigger spot," McBride said.

McBride now goes through the trouble of finding somewhere to park her car where she feels as if it will not get hit again.

Since McBrides car had been hit, she "looks at dark colored cars for white scratches" as she walks through the parking lot on her way to class.

"If I can find the person who hit my car, I'm going to make them pay for it," McBride said.


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