Although I haven't posted on here in almost a year, I've had some things on my mind and finally found some time to write it down. Let's talk about relationships. Relationships are a tricky, confusing thing. Well, they don't have to be but we're going to be realistic here. A lot of the time people try too hard to find their person and I would be lying if I said I wasn't one of those people. But recently I've come to realize that this is something you can't force. My mom always told me, "Good things will come when you least expect it." It's true and yes, moms are always right. The best advice I can give for this is sit back and let things happen on their own but still put in enough effort so you don't seem uninterested. Don't force anything. If your relationship is meant to happen, it will. Something I've had to learn over the past year is patience. Once you take a step back, be patient, and let God do His thing, you will find genuine happiness in the end.
Don't chase. Show interest. There is a fine line between chasing someone you like and showing your interest in them. I've learned from experience that chasing someone usually never works out in the end. If they're not giving you the same effort that you are for them, your answer is right there, loud and clear. Someone who truly likes you will put in an effort to hang out and talk to you. I know how much it sucks when the person you like doesn't feel the same way about you, TRUST ME, but do me a favor and save yourself from heartbreak by recognizing negative signs they could possibly be showing. These signs include: taking hours to respond to a text, not talking for days then going back like it's completely normal, consistently making plans then bailing last minute, always having an excuse as to why they can't hang out. Once you're able to see these things and remove the feelings blindfold, you will see that they're not right for you. Another thing to recognize is if they only give you attention when it's convenient for them. If they only contact you randomly rather than consistently, sorry to break it to you but they're probably not as interested as you think they are. Don't be someone's convenience person. You deserve so much more than that no matter how much you like them.
Don't play games. If it seems like you need to play games with a person to get them to stay with you, that's your sign to stop. A healthy relationship does not include playing stupid games and messing with each others minds. If something is bothering you, be straight up. Don't be rude but be honest. If you address the issue right away instead of letting it eat at you for days, things will be quickly resolved. If they always take forever to respond, go MIA for a while, and always bail on you, don't stoop to their level and try to do the same. Playing games only leads to heartbreak.
Alright, there's my little venting session!! It feelings amazing to be writing again and sharing these thoughts with all of you. Little life update: I've been writing some poetry. I haven't had much inspiration to write anything lately but I'm really hoping to find that spark again soon. I'll put one of my favorites down below. Thank you so much for reading! Comment down below and let me know if you want me to keep posting things like this! Catch ya later <3
there was so much potential for us
or so i thought
you had me convinced
it was just you and me
i put my heart out on the line
for you
but you pushed it over the edge
and let it fall, so hard
i hold no regrets
other than believing your
meaningless words
it is crazy how quickly everything can change
from having such strong feelings
to having them ripped away
piece by piece
you said you cared
but it is obvious now
you never did
to you i was just a number
someone to add to your list
holding no importance
to me you were the only one
someone who meant the world
nobody deserves to feel such pain
but you believe otherwise
heartbreak is a necessary thing
without it
we would never know
how good it can truly get